[TVP Funding] Increased TVP Funding to $600,000

HomeWeb Design[TVP Funding] Increased TVP Funding to $600,000

Increased TVP Funding (From $400,000 to $600,000)

Since 1 April 2020, the Government has further enhanced the TVP. The Government’s funding ratio in each approved project has been raised from two-thirds to three-quarters. The funding ceiling per applicant has been increased from $400,000 to $600,000 and the maximum number of approved projects has also been increased from four to six. (Attention: The above measures are only applicable to applications received on or after 1 April 2020. Applicants with applications submitted before the above date but wishing to apply for a higher funding amount through the enhancement measures should withdraw the original application in the TVP Funding Administrative System (https://tvp.itf.gov.hk) and submit a new one on or after 1 April.)

For information of approved TVP projects, please see the List of Approved TVP Projects.





資料來源: 創新科技署

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